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 生物学史 添加此单词到默认生词本
history of biology

  1. 将来写物理学、化学生物学史、和生理学的历家,不会提到他们的姓名和其著作。
    The future historians of physics, chemistry, biology, and physiology will not have to mention their names and their work.
  2. 相关性应是合理的;也就是说,根据疾病的自然生物学上的已知事实,可以从生物学角度来解释相关性。
    The association should be coherent; that is, plausible and explicable biologically according to known facts in the natural history and biology of the disease.
  3. 他在圭尔夫的实验室和密森的分析生物学实验室都可以快速给细胞色素氧化酶(COI)基因排序,进而有“条码工厂”的美称,看来他的计划切实可行。
    Both his laboratory at Guelph and the Smithsonian's Laboratories of Analytical Biology can sequence the COI gene rapidly, and have thus been dubbed "barcode factories", so this looks feasible.

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