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 气体辐射 添加此单词到默认生词本
gas radiation

  1. 简要介绍了非灰气体辐射数学模型,虚拟实验室的基本原理、组成及其在各领域中的应用现状。
    The mathematical models of non-gray gas radiation, the basic principle and constitute of virtual lab are simply introduced.
  2. 哈勃太空望远镜的先进探测照相机记录下了星云中电离气体辐射所造成的彩色地图。
    The colors map emission from ionized gas in the nebula were recorded by the Hubble Space Telescope's Advanced Camera for Surveys.
  3. 分析气体辐射常用的三种模型:灰体模型、窄谱带模型和宽谱带模型的适用性,以及这三种模型的常规使用方法。
    The dissertation analyses the applicability of three models of gas radiation computation: the gray model, the narrow band model and the wide band model, and analyses the normal method of using them.

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