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 气候区 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气候] climatic region
climatic province

  1. 政府官员表示,孟加拉湾附近的一块低压气候区,是骤降暴雨的主要因素。
    Officials say an area of low pressure in the Bay of Bengal has caused the sudden torrential rains.
  2. 如果你在凉爽气候区,这样做可以帮你在外墙上形成一个连续的防潮层。
    That way you’ll be able to seal this type of outside wall with a continuous moisture barrier in cooler climate zones.
  3. 湄公河流域内有多种气候区和地理环境,其水文特征和水能资源分布地域差异极大。
    There are various climatic zones and geographical conditions in Mekong river basin, the hydrologic features and distribution of water resource vary greatly in different zones.

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