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 气候展望 添加此单词到默认生词本
climatic forecast

  1. 预测即将来临的拉尼娜现象在很大程度上影响了美国气候预测中心(CPC)十月份发布的《美国冬季展望气候前景》。 。
    Thee predicted arrival of La Nina largely influenced the CPC's US Winter Outlookreleased in October.
  2. 讨教用英语怎样说:据气候展望,下个礼拜将有强台风,请各…
    According to the weather forecast, there will have the strong typhoon next week, please get ready for the safety precautions. …According to the …
  3. 该具有影响的气候变化委员会的展望,未来能源混和物中,核能和可再生能源将占到40%。
    The influential committee on climate change envisaged nuclear and renewable energy as having a 40% share each of the energy mix.

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