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 气候振荡 添加此单词到默认生词本
climatic oscillation

  1. 同样,潜在的可预见性,这种气候振荡不详。
    Likewise, the potential predictability for this climate oscillation are not known.
  2. 南极上空臭氧变化和环南极海冰变化是赤道海温和全球气候准两年振荡的原因。
    The quasi biennial oscillation of global climate and equator ocean temperature are caused by.
  3. 在只考虑上层海洋的情况下,试验表明在这一耦合系统中,存在着短期气候振荡,并且在赤道中太平洋和赤道东太平洋之间大尺度海表温度异常存在着落后相关。
    Even though only upper ocean mixed layer has been considered, the short-term climatic oscillation and the SST lag relationships between the middle and eastern Pacific are revealed in this experiment.

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