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 气候志 [qì hòu zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
[气候] climatography

  1. 性建筑为应对全球气候变化而关灯,在黑暗中展示独特的魅力。
    The will construction to deal with the global climate change to turn off a light, demonstrates the unique charm in darkness.
  2. 慈济工立即投入因为气候异常、在上周发生在奥克拉荷马州一个小镇的龙捲风救灾工作。
    Tzu Chi volunteers respond to unusual winter tornados that a hit small town in the US state of Oklahoma last week.
  3. 秦州气候湿润,草茂林丰,历史上曾是原始林区,据《汉书·地理》记载:“天水多林木,民以板为室屋也。”
    Qinzhou humid climate, grass Fung Lam, was a history of the original forest, according to the "Han Geography, " it reads: "Tianshui more trees, the people room for the board to have housing.

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