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 气候影响 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气候][环境] weather effect

  1. 印度洋对这个国家的气候影响很大,就像一个热度缓冲器,吸收,储存,再缓慢地释放出热带地区的炎热空气。
    The Indian Ocean has a great effect on the climate of the country by acting as a heat buffer, absorbing, storing, and slowly releasing the tropical heat.
  2. 好消息是在试图减少排放和适应气候影响的过程中,政策制定者可以找到改善卫生、健康和安全状况的方法。
    The good news is that policymakers can discover ways to improve sanitation, health and safety as they try to reduce emissions and adapt to climate impacts.
  3. 德国波斯坦气候影响研究协会的一位科学家,这样说,“如果海洋的温度是零摄氏度(即32华氏度)。”
    “Say the ocean is at zero degrees Celsius (32 degrees Fahrenheit),” said Stefan Rahmstorf, a climate scientist at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research in Germany.

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