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 气候区划 添加此单词到默认生词本
climatic regionalization

  1. 为因地制宜发展各地农牧业生产,从青海省具体情况出发,进行气候区划十分必要。
    It's necessary to differentiate the climate in areas so as to develop agriculture and construct the new rural and pastoral area.
  2. 文摘:综述了中国农业气候区划研究工作的历史背景,进程以及所取得的研究成果,探讨了在当前市场经济体制下我国农业气候区划研究的导向。
    Abstract: The history background,progress and achievements of agricultural climate zoning of China were summarized,discuss the direction of Chinese agricultural climate zoning in system of market economy at present.
  3. 青海省位于青藏高原东北部,第四纪以来强烈新构造运动,省内各地差异升降运动普遍,地貌类型复杂多样,从而造就了气候类型的复杂多样性,从温带到寒带、从半湿润到极干旱气候类型均有分布.为因地制宜发展各地农牧业生产,从青海省具体情况出发,进行气候区划十分必要.
    Qinghai province lies in the northeast of Qinghai-Xizang(Tibetan) Plateau,because of the structural movement since the early age of the Quaternary,the differences of climate in different areas are very large.It's necessary to differentiate the climate in areas so as to develop agriculture and construct the new rural and pastoral area.

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