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 气候区域 添加此单词到默认生词本
[气候] climatic province

  1. 他位于亚洲的中部,它也有很多种的气候区域:西伯利亚大草原的森林苔原。
    It is situated in the center of Asia and it has some climatic zones: from forest-tundra to steppe.
  2. 我的传感器告诉我,你迫降在这个星球的温带气候区域里,一块地势较为平坦的陆地上。
    My sensors tell me that you have crashed-landed on a solid, relatively level surface inside this planet’s temperate zone.
  3. 例子包括联合开发疟疾疫苗或者低成本的艾滋病疗法、解决与水传播疾病相关或者与特定气候区域相关的问题。
    Examples include co-development of a malaria vaccine or low-cost HIV/AIDS treatments, tackling problems associated with water-borne diseases, or those relevant to certain climatic zones.

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