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 气候变暖 添加此单词到默认生词本
climate warming

  1. 根据一组心理学家团队的研究,人们消耗资源和节育的方式影响了其对气候变暖的反应。
    How people choose to consume resources and use contraception influences their responses to climate change, according to a team of psychologists.
  2. 这次投票也为今年将在哥本哈根举行的气候变暖国际行动中能够达成协议发挥重要的推动作用。
    The vote also delivers an important boost to the prospects of reaching an agreement for international action on climate change at Copenhagen this year.
  3. 但是现在气候变暖,冰川融化,直接威胁到气象学家居住的地方。
    But now the warmer weather is melting glaciers and hitting meteorologists right where they live.

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