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 outgoings   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 支出, 开销

[经] 支出, 费用

    1. Arrange a regular transfer of your foreseeable monthly outgoings just before the largest payment (perhaps the mortgage) is due to be paid. Keep an eye on competing savings rates, but remember that chasing the last penny can backfire.
    2. Disposable incomes were often as high as in the south while lower outgoings made people better off. Such a claim would come as no surprise to the Reward Group, which compiles a quality-of-life index for middle managers on a regional basis.
    3. The landlord benefits from a livelier shopping centre, reduced outgoings and the possibility that the tenant will decide to take a permanent lease.
    4. The guide price from Jackson Stops & McCabe is IPounds 400,000, but it would be essential to be sure of the outgoings before taking it on. For shooting and fishing, combined perhaps with deer stalking, the ideal is an estate in Scotland.
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