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 outgrow [,aut'grәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 过大而不适于, 长得比...高(或大、快), 成长得不再具有...

    outgrew, outgrown
    [ verb ]
    1. grow too large or too mature for

    2. <verb.change>
      I have outgrown these clothes
      She outgrew her childish habits
    3. grow faster than

    4. <verb.competition>

    Outgrow \Out*grow"\, v. t. [imp. {Outgrew}; p. p. {Outgrown}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Outgrowing}.]
    1. To surpass in growing; to grow more than. --Shak.

    2. To grow out of or away from; to grow too large, or too
    aged, for; as, to outgrow clothing; to outgrow usefulness;
    to outgrow an infirmity.

    1. In fact, they're beginning to outgrow the country and have plans for an even bigger movie theater in the north of France, as well as a long-term strategy to move into the rest of Europe.
    2. Most children are immunized against the potentially lethal disease when they begin school, but they can outgrow the immunity, said Dr. Linda A. Fisher, chief medical examiner of St. Louis County.
    3. Adolescents with personality disturbances serious enough to be considered disorders usually are just going through "a phase" and outgrow them in a couple years, a study presented to psychiatrists suggests.
    4. But the trick of turning them into really good businesses has eluded the company.' Hillsdown's dilemma is that it seems unable to outgrow its past.
    5. The subsidiary now acts as registrar for about 70 companies and continuing expansion has seen it outgrow its existing offices. The new shares will rank pari passu with the 18.03m existing shares but will not qualify for the interim dividend.
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