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 outing ['autiŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 郊游, 远足

a. 远足适用的

    [ noun ]
    1. a journey taken for pleasure

    2. <noun.act>
      many summer excursions to the shore
      it was merely a pleasure trip
      after cautious sashays into the field
    3. a day devoted to an outdoor social gathering

    4. <noun.time>

    Outing \Out"ing\, n.
    1. The act of going out; an airing; an excursion; as, a
    summer outing.

    2. A feast given by an apprentice when he is out of his time.
    [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

    1. Rescue divers watched helplessly from the ocean's surface as a 12-foot shark fed on the body of a scuba diver who had failed to return from an outing the night before.
    2. City mental health officials said a review board at St. Elizabeths has approved Hinckley's participation in an outing to a museum, park or other public place.
    3. Mrs. Thatcher's husband, Denis, joined Bush for the soggy golf outing.
    4. The results will also be the first public outing for the new chief executive, Mr Nigel Rich.
    5. The crash occurred when a pickup truck traveling the wrong way slammed into a bus carrying a church youth group home from an outing late Saturday.
    6. Scott Novak's luck catching walleyes won him top prizes in a weekend ice-fishing contest, but the outing turned tragic a few hours later for him and three fellow teen-agers encamped on frozen Harpt Lake.
    7. There are just more important things to do in helping clients." Mr. Bostock says that a couple of years ago, some DMB&B executives tried to organize a golf outing at Shinnecock, a world-class golf course on Long Island.
    8. Grief returned Sunday to this close-knit community, which marked the first anniversary of a fiery bus crash that killed 24 teen-agers and three adults returning from a church outing.
    9. It looked fine on a first London outing on Thursday night.
    10. They all had gone to the beach in southern Texas for spring break and had ventured across the Mexican border for a late-night outing.
    11. And so GM invited about 120 analysts and money managers for a day-long outing last week at the company's Milford, Mich., proving grounds.
    12. The crash blocked the front door and sent flames and smoke through the bus, which was returning from a church outing at an amusement park.
    13. The trip was an annual outing for the youths, who raised money for the event through car washes and mowing lawns.
    14. His next outing was at the Bluegrass on April 23.
    15. On their last outing he guided Sister Sartor to the driver's license office.
    16. Their greed is similiar to the money-grubbing celebrated by the stockbrokers Churchill skewered in "Serious Money," her last New York outing.
    17. Instead, the chilly weather begged a bracing and energetic outing on horseback.
    18. "I like to visit fresh churches with my learners," Heppenstall said. "It would do them good to ring on bells that are a different weight and I like to take them on an outing.
    19. Ms. McGovern's previous Shakespearean outing, in last summer's Central Park production of "Two Gentlemen of Verona," was embarrassingly awkward.
    20. A weekend outing to Moscow's Ismailovo Park, an open marketplace for artists and craftsmen, provides ample exposure to the latest in Stalin- and Brezhnev bashing.
    21. Mayor Anthony Cucci of Jersey City, N.J., and Mayor Carlos Chacon of Cuzco, their wives and six other people were on an outing to the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu when the crash occurred Thursday, officials said.
    22. A boat carrying eight people capsized during a Memorial Day outing, killing six young women aboard the overloaded craft and a man who tried to rescue them, authorities said.
    23. Age 50. Form: first outing 1969.
    24. Within a paragraph or two, he takes us into his company and makes us feel we're on an outing with an old chum.
    25. Quayle, who cut short a golf outing Friday at the all-white Cypress Point Golf Course in Pebble Beach, Calif., said he will continue to play at burning Tree course outside Washington where women are barred as members and can't even play as guests.
    26. Hinckley has been involved in court matters several times in recent years in connection with mental institution plans to allow him to leave for a visit with his family and for an outing with other patients.
    27. On an outing in Mississippi with singer Bobby Goldsboro, the temperature topped 100 degrees and the fish turned finicky.
    28. Nicholas Meyer is back in the command chair on this outing, and he knows how to make the Enterprise fly.
    29. Carmina leaves the hospital for walks and rides on her new tricycle, and has gone on an outing with her grandfather, Robert Richards, officials said.
    30. In his first outing as a card-carrying pro, he won the 1973 San Antonio-Texas Open.
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