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 outlay ['autlei]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 费用, 经费, 支出

vt. 花费

[医] 外置[移植]物, [表面]移植物, 外置, 移补

[经] 支出, 费用

    [ noun ]
    1. the act of spending or disbursing money

    2. <noun.act>
    3. money paid out; an amount spent

    4. <noun.possession>

    Outlay \Out*lay"\, v. t.
    To lay out; to spread out; to display. [R.] --Drayton.

    Outlay \Out"lay`\, n.
    1. A laying out or expending.

    2. That which is expended; expenditure.

    3. An outlying haunt. [Obs.] --Beau. & Fl.

    1. In January, the administration proposed cutting $3.2 billion from the $306 billion outlay.
    2. Some analysts don't believe the higher prices will have any long-term effect on consumers' buying habits, especially for an outlay as small as the one on soda.
    3. The rest, however, is coming from a most un-Republican source - a (read my lips) tax increase. A large part of New York's Dollars 21m outlay will be spent on security, and calming the fears of the thousands of out-of-towners attending the convention.
    4. By the time Lady Thatcher left office in 1990 that cash outlay had very nearly trebled.
    5. But analyst E. Lawrence Hickey of First Analysis Corp. in Chicago said Micron has also been able to increase output with no capital outlay, through improvements in its manufacturing procedures.
    6. That outlay covers such items and services as a casket, memorial services and the use of a funeral home.
    7. In just three years, for example, former Treasury Secretary William E. Simon raked in more than 100 times his original outlay in Anchor Glass Containers Inc.
    8. The outlay would be offset by the sale of Farmers Home Administration assets.
    9. Joseph D. Williams, chairman and chief executive, said 1987 profit gains were due to strong sales growth, spurred by a record $797 million outlay for advertising and promotion.
    10. It needed #29.1 million from reserves to cover its outlay to shareholders for the latest year.
    11. Most of the hefty outlay is expected to flow into the U.S. stock market, where the Japanese typically make 85% to 90% of their purchases of foreign equities.
    12. In addition, tenants who move to another Oxford Development community don't have to pay a security deposit, which can mean an outlay of between $300 and $900.
    13. The proposed settlements aren't punitive because the cash outlay is small.
    14. All of a sudden we were in a massive type of operation." North Slope Borough officials said that as of Friday, their outlay had topped $300,000. Spokeswoman Marie Adams said the borough was asking for donations to a special fund to offset the expenses.
    15. Including expenditures for hospitals, Islamic institutions, agriculture and education, its annual outlay has been estimated at $200 million.
    16. In addition, the Florida Board of Education's scheduled sale of $311.58 million of public education capital outlay refunding bonds won't take place tomorrow, an official with the education department says.
    17. The idea is not to harass employees who fall into those categories but to save some of the company's $17 million-a-year outlay for medical insurance and medical costs, executive vice president Harry DeShong said.
    18. The legislature approved an outlay of an extra six trillion yen ($48 billion) on public-works projects last year, and the latest budget proposals for the next fiscal year look even more stimulative.
    19. On the basis of AEG's 18.62 million shares outstanding, the payout for outside shareholders presents Daimler-Benz with an additional outlay of 9.3 million marks.
    20. The church's huge outlay for schools for the nation's young parallels the efforts of public schools but with one glaring difference _ no help from community taxes.
    21. In Chile, according to one member of the consortium, a similar project would involve three times the initial outlay.
    22. To meet Mr. Wright's outlay levels, he will necessarily need higher revenues, or taxes.
    23. Most funds charge annual management fees of 2% to 4%, plus as much as one-third of annual profits once the initial outlay is recovered.
    24. But, he says, with an outlay of about $12 million, the FBI could fully automate its felony-conviction records.
    25. The freeze of military spending would yield $3 billion in outlay reductions in fiscal 1988.
    26. As part of a mandate to cut $6 million from the state's human resources outlay, the average welfare payment to a family of three was just rolled back 8% to the 1989 level of $377 from $406 a month.
    27. Exxon covered most of the cost, and EPA expects the company to reimburse the agency for its $1.6 million outlay, Reilly said.
    28. The target also would be expressed in dollars rather than yen, so that if the yen continues to strengthen, the target can be achieved with a lower yen outlay.
    29. The plan outlined by Coastal, a company noted for ingenuity and aggressiveness, would appear to give Coastal control of TransAmerican's vast reserves with no immediate cash outlay.
    30. Tax cuts that are not offset by federal outlay reductions or additional revenues from economic growth would simply aggravate an already expanding federal deficit.
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