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 outgrowth ['autgrәuθ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 自然的发展, 结果, 副产物, 分枝

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    [ noun ]
    1. a natural consequence of development

    2. <noun.phenomenon>
    3. the gradual beginning or coming forth

    4. <noun.event>
      figurines presage the emergence of sculpture in Greece
    5. a natural prolongation or projection from a part of an organism either animal or plant

    6. <noun.body>
      a bony process

    Outgrowth \Out"growth`\, n.
    That which grows out of, or proceeds from, anything; an
    excrescence; an offshoot; hence, a result or consequence.

    1. It is the outgrowth of a tired and worn-out social theory: Cultural Relativism.
    2. The 220-page report, "Electronic Bulls and Bears: U.S. Securities Markets and Inforamtion Technology," was an outgrowth of the 1987 stock market crash.
    3. The lion's share of the arrears is the responsibility of one country: the US. In a sense, the current conflict is a natural outgrowth of this mismatch between ambitions and means.
    4. Late Thursday, the FBI announced that its agents had arrested another former soldier on spying charges in an outgrowth of the Conrad case.
    5. The case was an outgrowth of the invesigation of Clyde Lee Conrad, a retired U.S. Army sergeant convicted of treason by a West German court earlier this week and sentenced to life in prison, the FBI said.
    6. The issues that brought this confrontation to a head are an outgrowth of the previous strike's ultimate failure.
    7. Talks between the parties are an outgrowth of meetings that began between SAS and Continental officials in June 1988, when the two began work on the joint marketing agreement.
    8. He said the department's decision to review the national security issues was an outgrowth of a Dec. 14 meeting of prosecutors in the case with representatives of the Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation and CIA.
    9. Like "Nightline," which began when Iran held hostages in the U.S. Embassy in 1979, the new CBS show is the outgrowth of a Middle East crisis, Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait.
    10. The book is an outgrowth of a recent Spiegel ad, featuring an unusual candleholder with a monkey on the base that Ms. Bergen actually bought from Spiegel last November.
    11. Barber's decision was an outgrowth of earlier Marion County Circuit Court rulings that the fiscal statements were invalid.
    12. Rather, an increase in the price of art works "is the outgrowth of wealth made elsewhere." And "elsewhere" in recent years has often meant the Japanese stock market.
    13. The bankers' case of cold feet is to some extent an outgrowth of their past generosity.
    14. "Inflation is the natural outgrowth of Copernicus's theory," says James Gunn, an astrophysicist at Princeton University.
    15. Low-sodium, low-fat frozen chicken noodle and vegetable beef soups were a natural outgrowth of the hospital's 2-year-old frozen meal program for patients on restricted diets, said Patrick Ascolese, food services manager.
    16. The talks are an outgrowth of meetings that began between SAS and Continental officials in June 1988, when the two began work on the joint marketing agreement.
    17. Pulitzer Prize-winning author Alice Walker says the violence in some of her writing is an outgrowth of her childhood as the daughter of Georgia sharecroppers.
    18. The 12-count indictment announced Wednesday against the 38-year-old St. Petersburg, Fla. resident was the latest outgrowth of investigations indirectly linked to the Ivan Boesky insider trading scandal.
    19. As an outgrowth of abuses in board and care homes, Congress in 1976 enacted legislation requiring states to set standards assuring that SSI recipients do not live in substandard facilities.
    20. An outgrowth of an anti-traditional movement in reading instruction, it posits that students will learn more if they get more good story books and writing assignments, and fewer stilted textbooks and worksheets.
    21. The film was very well received in its release, and it's still playing in Europe and on television here." The National Film Registry is the outgrowth of protests by filmmakers over the colorization and the editing for television of classic films.
    22. But underneath the differences lie some common threads: Both the Eastern and Drexel stories are the outgrowth, directly and indirectly, of the 1980s debt-financed takeover decade.
    23. Mr. Constantine said the investigation into Entree is an outgrowth of an inquiry begun last spring when Visa president Charles Russell wrote member banks a letter that some interpreted as a call to boycott American Express products.
    24. Cuba has viewed signs of moral turpitude in the United States and other Western countries as an outgrowth of capitalist decadence, which communist societies are supposed to be able to avoid.
    25. HCA's initial contract with Baxter was an outgrowth of their 1985 battle for American Hospital Supply Corp.
    26. The case, argued before the high court Monday, is an outgrowth of the bitter, nine-year battle to desegregate Yonkers.
    27. The findings are an outgrowth of his efforts to develop a new blood test to identify allergies.
    28. Pesticides, an outgrowth of World War II chemical warfare research, are now found in residue form in many fruits and vegetables and even animal tissues that find their way onto the American dinner table every day.
    29. The academy was incorporated in January 1986 as an outgrowth of the National Republican Congressional Committee, which is composed of GOP members of the House of Representatives.
    30. Top Soviet officials generally have praised the People's Front as a healthy outgrowth of Gorbachev's effort to restructure Soviet society and encouragement of greater openness.
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