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 outgrown   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Outgrow \Out*grow"\, v. t. [imp. {Outgrew}; p. p. {Outgrown}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Outgrowing}.]
    1. To surpass in growing; to grow more than. --Shak.

    2. To grow out of or away from; to grow too large, or too
    aged, for; as, to outgrow clothing; to outgrow usefulness;
    to outgrow an infirmity.

    1. LaJoe wore a gray dress given to her by a friend who had outgrown it.
    2. The board also approved a related recommendation urging accelerated research into whether standard airline seat belts are adequate for small children who have outgrown safety seats.
    3. So when a Chicago woman recently asked her veterinarian what to do with two ferrets her older son had outgrown, she was told to head for the Van Dahm home.
    4. 'We have outgrown that type of property,' he said. Instead, it will concentrate on buying relatively big properties valued at Pounds 20m-Pounds 30m.
    5. Also, says a spokeswoman, more doctors are prescribing Ritalin for teens and young adults previously thought to have outgrown ADD.
    6. The marketer of computer systems for law firms said it has outgrown its current building and plans to begin construction next spring of a larger building in Frisco, Texas, several miles northwest of Richardson, a Dallas suburb.
    7. "The relations between our two countries have outgrown the realm of scholarship.
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