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 outgrew   添加此单词到默认生词本

    Outgrow \Out*grow"\, v. t. [imp. {Outgrew}; p. p. {Outgrown}; p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Outgrowing}.]
    1. To surpass in growing; to grow more than. --Shak.

    2. To grow out of or away from; to grow too large, or too
    aged, for; as, to outgrow clothing; to outgrow usefulness;
    to outgrow an infirmity.

    1. The heyday lasted until about 1860, when New York outgrew the port and trade shifted to the Hudson River.
    2. He moved there a few years ago when he outgrew his old studio on Rue Beaubourg opposite the Pompidou centre.
    3. "The male population outgrew the female population in every age group under age 85," Frederick W. Hollmann of the Census Bureau reported.
    4. She races in a borrowed uniform that her neighbor's son outgrew.
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