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 流通股 添加此单词到默认生词本
circulation stock
outstanding shares
tradable share
circulating shares

  1. 因此,非流通股股东为使其财富增值最大,倾向于提高增发价格。
    Thus no-public shareholders incline to raise the price of SEO to make their stock wealth maximized.
  2. 扩大流通股规模将提高市场参与度,而政府出售持股则是当务之急。
    The increase in the free float would lift participation in the market while divestments are the need of the hour.
  3. 其五,上市对股份制商业银行的效率有一定促进作用,但是上市后,银行效率会随着流通股比例的增加而降低。
    Finally, listing can increase the bank"s efficiency, but after listing the bank"s efficiency will decrease with the increasing of the amount of negotiable shares.

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