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 流通费用 添加此单词到默认生词本
circulation expense

  1. 马克思研究流通费用实际是研究资本主义制度的运行费用问题。
    The study of circulation costs by Marx is in fact a study of moving costs under capitalist system.
  2. 粮食物流业是有利于国家粮食安全,有利于加快粮食流转,降低粮食流通费用的一种新兴产业。
    Food logistics industry is a newly developing industry that can preserve national food safety, increase food's circulation, and decrease the cost of food's circulation.
  3. 比如,瑞士再保险公司如果为设在伦敦的总部新大楼安装可开启的窗户,会产生额外的高成本,虽然能够降低空气流通费用,但要十年以上才能与投入相抵。
    For example, Swiss Re's installation of windows that can be opened in its striking new London headquarters will take more than a decade of reduced ventilation bills to justify their extra cost.

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