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 流通过程 添加此单词到默认生词本
process of circulation

  1. 价格是商品的交换价值在流通过程中所取得的转化形式。
    Price is the exchange value of commodities in the circulation achieved during the transformation of the form.
  2. 随着大量高阻抗的材料用于弹药包装,给弹药在流通过程中的安全带来了新的问题,所以对弹药和火工品的包装要采取有效的防静电措施。
    It is suggested that the static electricity during the shipment be paid attention to and effective anti-electrostatic measures be taken for the packaging of ammunition and detonating devices.
  3. 本文以高价值客户为研究目标,根据产品在营销渠道的流通过程,从消费终端和营销网络两个环节对企业的高价值客户进行分析和评价。
    So this paper analyzes and evaluates the high value customer from two sides of consumer terminal and marketing network, according to the production circulation process in market channel.

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