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 流量比 添加此单词到默认生词本
flow ratio

  1. 支路流量比的变化对微粒粒径的影响不明显;
    The effect of branch flux ratio on particle size is not remarkably.
  2. Twitter 使得Yahoo的流量比正常情况下增加了27%, 美联社的博客吸引了普通新闻三倍的人气。
    Twitter drove 27 percent more traffic to Yahoo than normal, and AP's blog attracted triple the traffic of the regular news story.
  3. 通过实验确定了平板膜实验装置超滤过程的操作条件,包括搅拌转速、操作压力、流量比等。
    The equipment operating condition of flat membrane ultrafiltration was determined experimentally, which including stirred speed, pressure, flux ratio.

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