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 流量控制器 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] flow controller

  1. 设计了一种基于动态速率漏桶算法的高性能智能流量控制器
    A high performance intelligent traffic controller is designed based on dynamic rate leaky bucket algorithm.
  2. 分析了锅炉过热器产生热偏差的原因,介绍了采用在炉外管中加装流量控制器的方案和计算过程。
    The cause of thermal deviation of boiler superheater was analyzed in this paper. The method of installing steam flow controller was introduced.
  3. 就这方面而言,液体从进口腔318经过流经流量控制器354上九个孔隙374进入阀体212的腔体218内。
    In this respect, fluid from inlet chamber 318 flows through the nine apertures 374 in flow control element 354 into cavity 218 in valve body 212.

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