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 流速公式 [liú sù gōng shì添加此单词到默认生词本
velocity formula

  1. 《技术资料》内包括流速公式。在选择旋启式止回阀的通径时,阀座端口的流速应该控制在下列指定的一般范围内。
    Velocity equations are included in the Technical Data Section. When sizing swing check valves, the seat port velocity should be controlled within the general ranges specified below.
  2. 摘要论述了低温系统绝热性能和流阻特性对液流温度的影响,推导了液流温升及最优流速公式,分析了流速和管径与液流温升的关系,提出了确定流速和管径的方法。
    The influence of insulation effect and resistance property of the cryogenic system on the temperature rise was discussed, the formula of flow temperature rise and optimal flow rate was deduced, the relationship among the flow rate, pipe diameter and flow temperature rise was analyzed and the way to determine flow rate and pipe diameter was introduced.
  3. 对导得的起动切应力公式和起动流速公式进行了较为全面的验证,说明公式较好地反映了粗、细颗粒泥沙和轻质沙的起动规律,为研究工程泥沙问题提供了实用公式
    The formulas for initial velocity and critical shear stress are given and examined in all their aspects by the author and other"s experiments.

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