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 流量开关 添加此单词到默认生词本
flow valve
[自] flow switch

  1. 启动舱底水供给泵,检查补水电磁阀和流量开关是否工作。
    Start the bilge water feed pump, check the feed water solenoid valve and flow switch.
  2. 在管道内与流体接触的部件是黄铜和铍铜合金。流量开关以三通管方式安装在水平或垂直管道上。
    Parts in contact with liquid in pipe are of brass and beryllium copper. Flow switch installs in tee in horizontal or vertical piping.
  3. 依据水冷式空压机需要断水保护的要求,介绍了靶式流量开关的工作原理、选用方法以及在断水保护中的优势。
    Based on a water-break protection requirement of water-cooled air compressor, describes the principle, selection and the advantages of the target flow switch are described.

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