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 流通范围 添加此单词到默认生词本
[贸易] sphere of circulation

  1. 中行沪券的流通范围扩展至长江中下游地区后,带动了各地沪券兑换处的设立。
    When Shanghai note circulated to middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River, encashment office set up respectively.
  2. 研究表明铁路运输成本是影响东北大豆流通范围的重要因素。
    This paper indicate that transportation cost is one the greatly affect the circulation radius of northeastern soybean(NS).
  3. 现代工业资本通过缩短流通时间、扩大流通范围等途径使世界历史得以形成。
    Modern industrial capital makes world history be formed by shortening the time to expand the scope of the circulation channels.

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