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 学术氛围 添加此单词到默认生词本
academic atmosphere
intellectural atmosphere

  1. 因此在招生的时候我们可以选一些我们认为在瑞德会发展得很好、对学术氛围有帮助的学生,而不是那些可以帮我们提高《美国新闻》排名的学生。
    We are free to admit the students we think will thrive at Reed and contribute to its intellectual atmosphere, rather than those we think will elevate our standing on U.S. News's list.
  2. 为了吸引和培养领军人物式的学者,清华和它的管理者需要扫清这些合作的障碍,并提供一种开放的学术氛围,这样创新才能如百花齐放。
    To attract and properly educate leading scholars, Tsinghua and its regulators need to tear down these collaborative barriers and offer an open intellectual environment where innovation can blossom.
  3. 不过身处市区,大学城的学术氛围还是会受到来自都会气氛的挤压。
    But in the middle of the city, the college town atmosphere can feel constrictive.

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