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 学术领域 添加此单词到默认生词本
sphere of learning
academic sector

  1. 你目前所从事的学术领域或一个新的学术领域要求你必须深造。
    You are committed to further study in your current discipline or a new discipline.
  2. 可是并非每个地区都能资助与每一种学术领域有关的博物馆,所以游客就可以利用这个机会去追求自己的爱好。
    It is not possible for every community to support a museum devoted to every field of study, but travelers can take advantage of the opportunity to pursue their interests.
  3. 在一个教育曾经接连受到毛主义的疾风骤雨打击的国家中,工程学比大多数其他学术领域(在政治上)都更加安全。
    In a country where education was buffeted by the tempests of Maoism, engineering was a safer field of study than most.

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