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 学校上课的 添加此单词到默认生词本
school board

  1. 如果你持某一学校的资格证书却在另一所学校上课的行为是违反法律的。
    It is a violation of the law to enter the country on one school's certificate but attend another school.
  2. 报名费来此学校上课的学生都得在无偿支付20元的报名登记费后才可正式上课
    ENROLMENT FEE The school's offer of a place is conditional upon payment of a nonrefundable enrolment fee of RMB 20 No student may commence classes until this is paid.
  3. 阿富汗几十名正在他们学校上课的小女孩在受到毒气袭击后已经被送往医院接受治疗。
    Dozens of young girls have been hospitalized after a gas attack at their school in Afghanistan.

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