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 学校恐怖症 [xué xiào kǒng bù zhèng添加此单词到默认生词本
[医] school phobia

  1. 目的 探讨学校恐怖症的临床特点及心理社会因素。
    Objective To explore the psychosocial factors and clinical features in patients with school phobia .
  2. 结论:错误的认知模式和消极防御的行为模式是学校恐怖症的精神病学特点。
    Conclusion: Error cognitive modes and passive defensive behavioral modes are the psychopathological features of school phobia.
  3. 对有神经质个性的学生,家长及老师要注意教育方法,预防学校恐怖症的发病。
    In order to prevent school phobia , parents and teachers must pay attention to educational methods of the students with nervous personality.

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