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 学校董事会 添加此单词到默认生词本
school board

  1. 那天下午,她包起它然后搭上了去往华盛顿的汽车,在周一早晨,她到达了市区见到学校董事会,最终在公立学校系统中找到了一个工作。
    That afternoon, she packed it and hitched a ride to Washington, D.C. On Monday morning, she went downtown to the school board and got a job in the public school system.
  2. 我从18岁起在每次选举中都会投票,甚至包括一些地方性的选举,比如只是选举学校董事会或镇理事会这样的规模。
    I have voted in every election since I turned 18, including off years and off-off years, where only things like school boards and town councils were on the ballot.
  3. 在某些校区,也有学校董事会成员与家长对于引进一门外国数学课程表示了质疑。
    In some districts, there has also been skepticism from school board members and parents about importing a foreign math program.

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