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 学生月票 [xué shēng yuè piào添加此单词到默认生词本
[交] student monthly ticket

  1. 学生月票:小学生可以直接持本人近期一寸照片去充值点办理。
    students monthly: primary and secondary school students can take an inch of my recent photos to recharge point processing.
  2. 们建议海外学生月花费约52美元买一张月票,能够乘坐爱尔兰公车和火车。
    We recommend international students to have a monthly card by which you can take buses and trains around Ireland. The cost will be about USD52/per month.
  3. 我们建议海外学生每月花费约52美元买一张月票,能够乘坐爱尔兰公车和火车。
    We recommend international students to have a monthly card by which you can take buses and trains around Ireland. The cost will be about USD52/per month.

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