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 学校心理学 [xué xiào xīn lǐ xué添加此单词到默认生词本
Division 16. School Psychology
School Psychology

  1. 美国学校心理学的发展趋势对我国学校心理学的发展具有许多启示。
    These developmental trends are inspirational to our efforts in building Chinese school psychology.
  2. 摘要学校心理学在美国中小学教育系统中发挥着越来越重要的作用。
    School psychology plays important roles in the system of the primary and secondary schools of the United States.
  3. 尝试性地提出了以前忽略学校心理学的问题,指出它在我国将来发展的前景。
    The neglect in the past and the prospectsof its future development in China are then tentatively putforward.

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