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 学术讨论 添加此单词到默认生词本
academic discussion

  1. 这是一次学术讨论,站在过去的角度上发出质疑。
    It was an academic exercise, a query set in the past tense.
  2. 来自中国大陆、台湾、香港地区和日本、美国的40多位学者展开了为期两天的学术讨论
    From the Chinese mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan, the United States of more than 40 scholars launched a two-day academic discussion.
  3. 讲会既是一种学术组织、学术团体,又是书院固有的学术讨论、会同讲学、学术聚会等会讲活动。
    The Cauncil is both an academic organization body, and inherent speaking activities for academy like academic discussion, lecturings and academic gatherings.

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