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 Peru [pә'ru:]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 秘鲁

    [ noun ]
    a republic in western South America; achieved independence from Spain in 1821; was the heart of the Inca empire from the 12th to 16th centuries

    1. As previously reported, an arbitration panel in 1988 awarded Enron $162 million from the Belco insurers led by American International, to cover claims resulting from Peru's expropriation of Belco.
    2. It stated: "Money isn't everything (Yeah right)." Efforts by the United States and Peru to agree on terms for a military aid program to fight drug smuggling have broken down, the State Department said Wednesday.
    3. The strike is one of many plaguing Peru.
    4. More peripheral markets such as Colombia and Peru may also benefit, some reckon.
    5. Japanese leaders have said Japan might aid Peru if Fujimori works with the IMF and other multilateral organizations to address its economic problems.
    6. The Tupac Amaru guerrillas startled Peru in November 1987 when Polay led 100 well-armed rebels in a monthlong series of raids near Tarapoto, a jungle city 435 miles northeast of Lima.
    7. Police were unsure which of Peru's two guerrilla groups carried out the attack.
    8. Peru, apparently abandoning plans to extract significant concessions from the International Monetary Fund, is expected to sign today in Washington an IMF letter of intent to frame economic policy until 1995, Sally Bowen writes from Lima.
    9. Elsewhere in Peru, workers at the state mining company Mineroperu on Thursday agreed to end their 41-day strike, a mining federation spokesman said.
    10. The plane landed Saturday at the end of a trip that included stops in Paraguay, Bolivia, Peru and Panama, said Customs spokesman Michael Sheehan.
    11. The timing of the plan also puzzled Peru's creditors.
    12. Peru is also studying the Chilean model as it puts its own privatisation programme into gear.
    13. Wilfredo Huayta, Peru's energy and mines minister, said late Tuesday that exports won't be resumed "until there is a clarification and there is an equilibrium in the price of the metal."
    14. The United States would provide aid to help buy Peru's coca leaf crop under a plan proposed Thursday by the Peruvian ambassador.
    15. Congress has been urged to remove Mr. Garcia's immunity to criminal prosecution, which Peru grants all its former presidents.
    16. Last week, a rebel column ambushed an army convoy near the town of Aguaytia, 270 miles northeast of Lima in Peru's jungle region. Twenty rebels and 15 soldiers were killed in the fighting.
    17. Peru's Garcia raised the minimum wage and announced other pay increases of as much as 30%.
    18. Peru is the chief producer of coca leaf, the raw material of cocaine.
    19. Copper futures ended lower on New York's Commodity Exchange following reports that the Peruvian government had ordered back to work employees of the Southern Peru Copper Corp. who have been on strike since March 12.
    20. The sell-off was prompted by a midday report that Southern Peru Copper, the biggest copper-mining firm in the world's sixth-largest copper-producing country, had come to terms with striking clerical and white-collar employees, analysts said.
    21. Parts of seven states, where more than half of Peru's people live, are now under emergency decrees that suspend the right of free travel and assembly and permit searches without warrant and detention without charges.
    22. The cost last year was negative growth of 3 per cent. Under Mr Bolona, Peru experienced a remarkable transition from statism to a free market economy.
    23. Last Friday, the IMF reviewed Peru's status in the organization and sent the government a note requesting a payments plan.
    24. In the Pataz area Peru's two largest traditional gold mines, Retamas and Poderosa, are doing very nicely. Mineroperu, the state minerals company is also offering a series of already-studied gold deposits to private investors.
    25. It reported that drilling on the Corona property in northern Peru points to 'good mineralisation' at a depth of 400 metres.
    26. According to the agency's latest annual report, Peru had about $546.6 million in outstanding IADB loans at the end of 1986, of which $162.1 million hadn't been disbursed.
    27. The pro-Cuban Tupac Amaru launched its armed insurgency against Peru's elected government in 1984.
    28. In Peru's capital, one pauses, briefly, for gunfire.
    29. He is in Florence to shake himself free of Peru and get some writing done, just as Mr. Vargas Llosa has gone to Paris and now goes frequently to London for the same purpose.
    30. Copper posted strong gains on the Comex on news of further supply tightness caused by the 3-week-old miners' strike in Peru.
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