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 pervading [pə:'veidiŋ添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. God is all pervading love. So whenever we do things in love, God will help us.
  2. The Vaishnavas are worshippers of Vishnu, the "All-pervading", the Supreme God, who is also known as Hari and Narayana.
  3. Yes,when the mother was a young girl it lay pervading her heart in tender and slient mystery of love —the sweet,soft freshness that has bloomed on baby's limbs.

Pervade \Per*vade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pervaded}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Pervading}.] [L. pervadere, pervasum; per + vadere to
go, to walk. See {Per-}, and {Wade}.]
1. To pass or flow through, as an aperture, pore, or
interstice; to permeate.

That labyrinth is easily pervaded. --Blackstone.

2. To pass or spread through the whole extent of; to be
diffused throughout.

A spirit of cabal, intrigue, and proselytism
pervaded all their thoughts, words, and actions.

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