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 perversion   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 走入邪路, 败坏, 堕落, 违反常情, 变态, 反常, 误用, 滥用, 歪曲, 颠倒

[医] 倒错, 乖常, 颠倒

    [ noun ]
    1. a curve that reverses the direction of something

    2. <noun.shape>
      the tendrils of the plant exhibited perversion
      perversion also shows up in kinky telephone cords
    3. an aberrant sexual practice

    4. <noun.act>
    5. the action of perverting something (turning it to a wrong use)

    6. <noun.act>
      it was a perversion of justice

    Perversion \Per*ver"sion\, n. [L. perversio: cf. F. perversion.
    See {Pervert}.]
    The act of perverting, or the state of being perverted; a
    turning from truth or right; a diverting from the true intent
    or object; a change to something worse; a turning or applying
    to a wrong end or use. ``Violations and perversions of the
    laws.'' --Bacon.

    1. There were plenty of smiles and embraces, and buzzwords like "the perversion of capitalism" surfaced now and then.
    2. It warned that passage of the amendment would help homosexuals "legitimize their perversion and recruit our children." Among the 50 or so gay periodicals in the collection is "Mom Guess What!," a 10-year-old monthly published in Sacramento, Calif.
    3. To many in Matamoros, a city of nearly 500,000, the slayings were a perversion of the traditional image of the Mexican smuggler who helped the town, sent his kids to the best schools and was often a heavy contributor to charity and civic causes.
    4. This sort of individual sanction effects a much greater perversion of the normal legislative process than does the imposition of sanctions on the city for the failure of these same legislators to enact an ordinance.
    5. The system will be geared to ease the transformation for countries that have seen "a landscape of moral destruction" under repressive regimes that were based on the "perversion of law," Bush said.
    6. Buzzwords like "the perversion of capitalism" surfaced now and then.
    7. In a deranged perversion of the democratic ideal, the dominant notion in some quarters (not all of them young) is that attire appropriate to the place or occasion is the mark of the snob, the affected or the intellectually constipated.
    8. The pursuit of happiness was discredited by the communist perversion of the Hegelian concept that one should never feel contented.
    9. Mehrdad Dashti was killed Thursday by police after a night of terror and sexual perversion at a popular student tavern near the University of California in Berkeley.
    10. They can't really tell us about it." "We're treating these as cases of sexual perversion," he said.
    11. A Dallas televangelist is enlisting "prayer warriors" for a Halloween attack on what he calls the satanic forces of witchcraft, drugs and perversion in San Francisco.
    12. For one thing, has it been appropriate to have a nominee to the highest court selected by men now open to charges of obstruction and even perversion of justice?
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