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 perversity [pә'vә:sәti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 乖僻, 倔强, 任性, 反常, 性变态

    [ noun ]
    1. deliberate and stubborn unruliness and resistance to guidance or discipline

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. deliberately deviating from what is good

    4. <noun.attribute>
      there will always be a few people who, through macho perversity, gain satisfaction from bullying and terrorism

    Perversity \Per*ver"si*ty\, n. [L. perversitas: cf. F.
    The quality or state of being perverse; perverseness.

    1. Joe Stamper of Antlers, Okla., said the resolution endorses homosexual conduct. "A majority of Americans looks with distaste on perversity that violates our religious precepts," he said.
    2. It is part of the perversity of stock markets that they frequently fall on good news and rise on bad.
    3. These men, who work so hard at making themselves look like women, only emphasize the perversity of that longing.
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