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 perversely 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adv ]
    1. deliberately deviant

    2. <adv.all>
      his perversely erotic notions
    3. in a contrary disobedient manner

    4. <adv.all>

    Perversely \Per*verse"ly\, adv.
    In a perverse manner.

    1. Although CAFE acted initially as a protectionist device, it is now operating perversely to encourage imports.
    2. "There's always something perversely funny about coming one short of graduating," Morrow said.
    3. That would mean resisting the interest rates French industry desperately needs, and perversely, may well increase the chances of the French franc falling much further and make the politics of an eventual return to a hard ERM more difficult.
    4. Early on he knew instinctively that Germany had next-to-nil prospects of winning the war and thus viewed it as perversely barbaric.
    5. This may not be easy, if people react perversely to such stimuli by saving all the more.
    6. Meanwhile, loose monetary policy may perversely be depressing monetary growth.
    7. It remains unknown how well these would work in practice _ whether halts in trading would help restore order or perversely work to prolong the agony.
    8. It opens, perversely, with a detailed description of the atmosphere and intrigues surrounding Wieland's death.
    9. How do you steer your silver balls into that labyrinth? In the event, the film proves perversely enjoyable: being lost in a maze often is.
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