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 pervade [pә'veid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 弥漫于, 遍及于, 流行于, 蔓延, 渗透于, 充满


    Pervade \Per*vade"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Pervaded}; p. pr. &
    vb. n. {Pervading}.] [L. pervadere, pervasum; per + vadere to
    go, to walk. See {Per-}, and {Wade}.]
    1. To pass or flow through, as an aperture, pore, or
    interstice; to permeate.

    That labyrinth is easily pervaded. --Blackstone.

    2. To pass or spread through the whole extent of; to be
    diffused throughout.

    A spirit of cabal, intrigue, and proselytism
    pervaded all their thoughts, words, and actions.

    1. To a degree, Quantum represents the new times that have arrived for producers of the so-called commodity plastics that pervade modern life.
    2. An even stronger majority, 74 percent, rated lobbyists' ethical performance as "only fair" or "poor." Lobbyists pervade the lawmaking process, representing businesses, unions and other organizations that have an interest in proposed laws.
    3. Bearish sentiment continues to pervade the market, traders said, but many participants were wary of taking short, or oversold, positions because of the market's lack of depth.
    4. EXCHANGE RATES Dissimilarities pervade the international monetary front as well.
    5. Increased expectations of wealth pervade our society, and if a jury perceives a wrong the law will always rise to the occasion and provide a remedy.
    6. But they represent for the staffer what he considers to be the types of excesses at taxpayer expense and the arrogant flaunting of laws that pervade the State Department hierarchy.
    7. Reflecting on the complexities that still pervade the East German economy, Witt said he was not a "farmer" but rather an "expert for plant production."
    8. Be it the original "Batman" series, the "Odd Couple," "Star Trek" or "Dallas," U.S. programs pervade the airwaves and European politicians and artists are rallying against them.
    9. Interest Rates It's time to batten down the hatches in the bond and bond-futures markets this week as fears about rising inflation and falling bond prices pervade traders' market outlook, futures analysts said.
    10. I am thankful that journalists such as Mr. Stewart act to enlighten and bring to justice the criminals dressed in custom-made suits who pervade our society.
    11. "Fraud, mismanagement and corruption pervade virtually all federal Indian programs," Sen. Dennis DeConcini, D-Ariz., chairman of the special committee.
    12. Gudmunder Eiriksson, the leader of Iceland's delegation, also accused the commission of allowing politics to pervade in its decisions.
    13. But a smirkiness and condescension pervade the proceedings. What's more, the play can't compete with the real thing.
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