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 Peruvian balsam 添加此单词到默认生词本
【化】 秘鲁香脂

    peruvian balsam
    [ noun ]
    tree of South and Central America yielding an aromatic balsam

    Peruvian \Pe*ru"vi*an\, a. [Cf. F. p['e]ruvien, Sp. peruviano.]
    Of or pertaining to Peru, in South America. -- n. A native or
    an inhabitant of Peru.

    {Peruvian balsam}. See {Balsam of Peru}, under {Balsam}.

    {Peruvian bark}, the bitter bark of trees of various species
    of Cinchona. It acts as a powerful tonic, and is a remedy
    for malarial diseases. This property is due to several
    alkaloids, as quinine, cinchonine, etc., and their
    compounds; -- called also {Jesuit's bark}, and {cinchona}.
    See {Cinchona}.

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