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 空白磁盘 [kòng bái cí pán添加此单词到默认生词本
blank diskette

  1. 存储在磁盘上的程序或数据按顺序存储,即首先存储在第一个空白扇区。
    Programs or data saved oil the disc are stored in saquence starting with the first empty sector.
  2. 编辑和删除档案工作为你留下的空白的数据存储媒介. Instead of each file being stored in one continuous block, it ends up in several locations, resulting in inefficient retrieval of your data.不是每个人的档案存放在一个连续块,它结束了数个地点,造成你的数据检索效率. As you add more data to your hard drive, the gaps left by previous deletions are filled.正如你自己加给你的硬盘数据,删除前留下的空白填补. Your file becomes split, or fragmented.你分裂成档案,或支离破碎. This will slow down your system – when you try to retrieve a file, the process is slower than if it was stored in one block.这将拖慢你系统当你试图挽回档案过程较慢如果是集中在一个大楼. To make your disk storage more efficient, a process called "defragmenting" is used.磁盘存储使你更有效率,这一过程称为"defragmenting"一词.
    Editing and deleting files as you work leaves gaps on data storage media.

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