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 空端 [kōng duān添加此单词到默认生词本
[电][电子] dead end

  1. 您可能包括在输出行,如果你喜欢。
    You may include blank lines at the end of the output, if you like.
  2. 在数学左移位运算中,丢弃移出结果数据类型范围的数位,而将右出的数位位置设置为零。
    In an arithmetic left shift, the bits shifted beyond the range of the result data type are discarded, and the bit positions vacated on the right are set to zero.
  3. 在算术右移位运算中,将丢弃移出最右侧数位位置的数位,并将最左侧的数位传播到左出的数位位置。
    In an arithmetic right shift, the bits shifted beyond the rightmost bit position are discarded, and the leftmost bit is propagated into the bit positions vacated at the left.

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