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 空穴导电 添加此单词到默认生词本
hole conduction
hole conductance

  1. XPS能谱及交流阻抗谱分析显示可能存在氧空穴导电
    The analysis of XPS reveals the possibility of oxyanion hole conduction.
  2. 现今我们知道,这些材料的导电过程是所谓“空穴导电”。
    We now believe that these materials conduct by a process known as hole conduction.
  3. 非计量掺杂碘时,空穴浓度大于电子浓度,载流子浓度和迁移率同时影响导电率。
    In the calculated doped state, the concentration of the holes is larger than that of the electrons, the conductive ratio is influenced by both the carrier concentration and transferring.

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