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 空穴理论 添加此单词到默认生词本
hole theory

  1. 后者来自主震当时的观察发现,有力的支持了空穴理论
    The latter observations, resulting from one observer being in the right place at the time of the main shock, strongly support the positive hole theory.
  2. 从燃油空穴雾化理论的角度出发,空穴强度的提高以及在出口截面上的均匀分布都有利于燃油的破碎雾化。
    Uniform distribution of cavitation at the nozzle exit section is obtained by increasing length-diameter ratio and leads to the improvement of atomization.
  3. 当体系压力在露点压力以上时,凝析气体系为气态,应采用空穴溶液理论模型计算气体吸附。
    When the pressure is higher than the dew point, the system of condensate gas is gas phase, so the theory model of cavern solution should be use to compute gas adsorption.

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