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 空穴电流 添加此单词到默认生词本
current of holes

  1. 模拟结果解释了实验观察到的雪崩击穿现象,并表明电子电流空穴电流提前饱和。
    The results explain the experimental observed phenomenon and demonstrate that the current contributed by electrons is saturated earlier than the hole current.
  2. 计算结果表明,发射区载流子寿命的变化几乎不影响注入到基区的电子电流,但却成反比例地影响基区空穴电流
    The calculated results show that the electron current injected into the base region is not affected, but an increase of the base hole current is increased with the lifetime reduction.
  3. 电流流过夹层,电子和空穴在两种材料接口处共同发挥作用,释放光能。
    When a current is applied across the sandwich, the electrons and holes team up at the junction of the two materials and release energy in the form of light.

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