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 空白试卷 添加此单词到默认生词本
test blank

  1. 请任课教师提供空白试卷(样题)一份供学院汇编成册归档。
    Please hand in a set of blank exam paper (Sample questions ) for binding and filing.
  2. 2007年9月1号至10号报名,2007年10月14号15号考试,假如考大专的,只需要考语文、数学、英语,假如是本科的,要多考一门综合的,考试时,无论点样,都不能让试卷空白,就算是你不会的,都乱抄下去,这样会获得高分的哦!
    Signed up to 10 September 1, 2007, 15 took an exam October 14, 2007, if take an examination of three-year institution of higher learning, need to take an examination of Chinese, maths, English only, if be of undergraduate course, should take an examination of more integrated, when the exam, no matter order model, cannot make examination paper blank, it is you won't, copy in disorder, such meetings obtain what divide high!
  3. 当我得在试卷上填空的 时候,脑子却完全一片 空白.
    My mind was a complete blank when I had to fill in the blanks on the test paper.

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