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  1. 例如科样例两种文字创作书写件征文-读者需通过六个步骤,使他们可以观看写作发展,从一个空白页,以完成作品。
    An example section with worked examples of two kinds of writing—a creative writing piece and an essay—takes readers through the six steps, so they can watch writing develop from a blank page to a finished piece.
  2. 当他回到家中,他设法弄到一本羊皮纸装的小册子,里面尚有许多空白页;在那起头几上,他苦心书写出他的第一首诗。
    When he reached home he contrived to get hold of a little parchment bound volume with a lot of blank pages in it; and on the first pages he elaborately wrote out his first poem.
  3. 这种工具包括供找出个人或单位的电子邮件地址或电话号码的“空白页服务”系统WHOIS还有FINGER,NETFIND等,以及“黄服务”系统检查等。
    This tool includes “white page service” system WHOIS for finding out E-mail address of phone numbers of individuals or units, FINGER, NETFIND, etc. and “yellow page service” system lookup, etc.

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