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 机制性 添加此单词到默认生词本
[机] machinability

  1. 然而,因为对象表示业务数据,就应该将这种机制性细节从对象中隔离。
    However, since the object represents business data, it makes sense to separate this mechanical detail from the object.
  2. 但是头脑中要有大框架:机制性的流量增加比通过搜索引擎的流量增加更好。
    But please keep the large picture in mind; web traffic through organic growth is always better than search engine traffic.
  3. 为了实现这一目标,里韦拉需加强机制性的合作,并让更多来自中央政府的同盟力量参与进来。
    In order to do so, the mayor needs to strengthen institutional collaboration and bring on board more powerful allies from the central government.

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