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 机制钉 添加此单词到默认生词本
[五金] machine-made nail

  1. 如果机制被打破,当地货币将会升值,从而自当地股市获得的收益将能转换成更多的美元。
    S. If the currency pegs crumble, local currencies will strengthen, swelling the gains from shares when translated into dollars.
  2. 在位错和点缺陷弹性交互作用时,可以产生复合交互作用机制,同时包括脱一再机制和拖曳机制
    In the case of elastic interaction between dislocations and points defects, complex interaction mechanisms can appear, which involve simultaneously depinningrepinning process and dragging processes.
  3. 世纪90年代,通过下注全球各地的汇率机制即将被打破,对冲基金和其他投资者赚了个钵满盆盈。
    Hedge funds and other investors made bundles of money in the 1990s betting currency pegs around the world would break.

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