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 机动卫星 [jī dòng wèi xīng添加此单词到默认生词本
maneuvering satellite

  1. 摘要将输入输出线性化控制与自适应模糊滑模控制相结合,并将其应用于挠性卫星姿态机动控制中。
    The input-output linearization control is combined with the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control, and is applied to the attitude maneuver control of the flexible satellite.
  2. 文摘:大角度姿态机动控制技术是高分辨率遥感小卫星的关键技术之一。
    Abstract: Large angle manetwer control technique is imporlont for the small satellite, this paper discussed the mstoataneous - turn - axis control arithmetic.
  3. 威斯达全球卫星定位中心是全省联网、全国监控及全国周边40多个国家、地区漫游的云南运营中心,该系统可在一个车队、一个单位、一个地区、一座城市、全省、全国范围内实现组网运营,也可独立运营,系统设计机动车容量50万辆。
    WeStar Global Position Center is the province online, the National Monitoring and around more than 40 countries and regions roaming operations center of Yunnan, the system can achieve network operator to be in a team, a unit, a region, a city, province, nation, can also operate independently, systems design capacity of motor vehicles 500,000.

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